EDAG Worldwide

    Vehicle Engineering
    Great Britain
    Czech Republic
    Production Solutions
    Czech Republic

    Data Privacy Statement

    Data Privacy Statement for the Websites insights.edag.com und deeper-insights.edag.com


    1. Description and extent of data processing

    Our website provides the opportunity to register for various online seminars. When submitting your registration, the data from the input mask is transmitted to us. The following data is mandatory:

    (1) Title
    (2) First name
    (3) Surname
    (4) Item
    (5) Company
    (6) E-mail address
    (7) Preferred date (if several dates are offered)

    Optional: (8) Telephone number

    In addition to this, the following data is also collected during registration:

    • IP address of the accessing computer
    • Date and time of registration

    Your consent to the processing of this data will be requested and reference made to this data privacy statement during registration.
    Such data is used solely in order to carry out the seminar.

    2. Legal basis for data processing

    The legal basis for the processing of data of people registering for seminars, provided the user's consent has been obtained, is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 point a of the GDPR and the analogous provisions in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation.

    3. Purpose of data processing

    Acquisition of the data is necessary in order to register for the seminar.
    Other personal data is collected during registration in order to prevent any misuse of the services or the e-mail address used.

    4. Storage duration

    Data is deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected. Accordingly, the user data will be stored for as long as it is needed to hold the seminar. The data will be deleted after 90 days after the seminar has ended, provided there is no further activity.
    As a rule, the other personal data collected during registration will be deleted after a period of seven days has elapsed.

    5. Right to object and right of elimination

    The data subject can cancel the registration for the seminar at any time. To this end, every e-mail sent by the tool contains a corresponding link (unsubscribe).

    This also makes it possible to revoke consent to the storage of personal data collected during registration.


    1. Description and extent of data processing

    Our website provides the opportunity to register for various types of deeper insights information, e.g. white papers, checklists, eBooks. When submitting your registration, the data from the input mask is transmitted to us. The following data is mandatory:

    (1) Title
    (2) First name
    (3) Surname
    (4) Item
    (5) Company
    (6) E-mail address
    Optional: (7) Telephone number
    In addition to this, the following data is also collected during registration:
    • IP address of the accessing computer
    • Date and time of registration

    Your consent to the processing of this data will be requested and reference made to this data privacy statement during registration.

    Such data is used solely for the purpose of dispatching the required information.

    2. Legal basis for data processing

    The legal basis for the processing of data of people registering for deeper insights information, provided the user's consent has been obtained, is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 point a of the GDPR and the analogous provisions in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation.

    3. Purpose of data processing

    Acquisition of the data is necessary in order to register for deeper insights information.

    Other personal data is collected during registration in order to prevent any misuse of the services or the e-mail address used.

    4. Storage duration

    Data is deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected. Accordingly, the user data will be stored for 90 days and then deleted, provided there is no further activity.

    As a rule, the other personal data collected during registration will be deleted after a period of seven days has elapsed.

    5. Right to object and right of elimination

    The data subject can cancel the registration for deeper insights information at any time. To this end, every e-mail sent by the tool contains a corresponding link (unsubscribe).


    1. Description and scope of data processing

    The data provided (first name / team name, surname, e-mail address and the entries in the free text field) will be used to send the newsletter on the following topics:

    • Trend topics on innovation and technology
    • Insights and updates on events, sponsoring, etc.
    • Careers and job offers in the mobility and motorsport sector

    as well as for the evaluation of new newsletter topics. The newsletter is sent out four times a year.
    As part of the newsletter, your opening and click rates are collected and summarized in user profiles.

    2. Legal basis for data processing

    By clicking on the checkbox (I agree that the EDAG Group** may inform me by e-mail about new Formula Student updates (max. four e-mails per year) in accordance with the data protection declaration and that opening and click rates may be collected and summarized in user profiles for the purpose of designing future newsletters. This consent is voluntary and can be revoked at any time without giving reasons. *In addition, you agree that the EDAG Group may use your data for sending the newsletter on the above-mentioned topics. After successfully giving your consent and sending the form, you will receive a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address you have provided, in which you must confirm your subscription to the newsletter again. The legal basis is Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR.

    By clicking on the checkbox (I agree that the EDAG Group may use my personal data for receiving the newsletter and for the purpose of electronic contact in accordance with the privacy policy, including the opening and click rates may be collected and summarized in user profiles. I can object to this processing at any time.*) I agree that the EDAG Group may summarize my opening and click rates in user profiles. The legal basis is Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR.

    3. Purpose of data processing

    The data will be processed for sending the newsletter. After successful consent in the context of VI 2., the newsletter can be sent by EDAG's internal personnel marketing team using the HubSpot service for the creation of mailing lists for the purposes of: Information on trending topics on innovation and technology, insights and updates on events, sponsorship etc. and career and job opportunities in the mobility and motorsport sector.

    The opening and click rates are used to measure the success of the newsletters sent.

    4. Duration of storage

    The newsletter will be provided for an unlimited period of time, subject to your revocation. If you decide to unsubscribe from the newsletter, you can unsubscribe from our service at any time within the newsletter sent.

    The opening and click rates will be deleted after the performance measurement has been carried out (fulfillment of purpose).

    5. Disclosure of personal data

    The EDAG Group uses the services of HubSpot to send the newsletter. Hubspot processes the personal data you provide in the USA. By consenting to the sending of the newsletter, you also consent to your data being processed in the USA in accordance with the applicable data protection law. We would like to point out that the USA has been assessed by the European Court of Justice as a country with an adequate level of data protection according to EU standards. In this respect, there are suitable data protection guarantees in the form of the Data Privacy Framework, which HubSpot has signed up to. We only use the data collected via the HubSpot service for the purposes stated above and do not pass this data on to third parties. We have also concluded an order processing agreement with HubSpot Inc. for this purpose. Further information on data processing by Hubspot and Hubspot's data protection conditions can be found at https://legal.hubspot.com/legal-stuff, https://legal.hubspot.com/privacy-policy and https://legal.hubspot.com/website-terms-of-use.


    1. Description and scope of data processing

    The data provided (title, first name, surname, company, e-mail address, project/product interest (optional)) will be used for sending the newsletter or depending on your consent. The following options are available to you:

    • I would like to be informed about trends and developments regarding the PU23 project of EDAG Engineering GmbH. I agree that opening and click-through rates may be collected and summarized in user profiles for the purpose of creating future newsletters.
    • I agree that EDAG Engineering GmbH may contact me by e-mail in the context of PU23. 

    2. Legal basis for data processing

    By clicking on the checkbox (I would like to be informed about trends and developments regarding the PU23 project of EDAG Engineering GmbH. I agree that opening and click-through rates may be collected and summarized in user profiles for the purpose of creating future newsletters.), you agree that the EDAG Group may use your data for sending the newsletter on the above-mentioned topic. After successfully giving your consent and submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address you have provided, in which you must confirm your subscription to the newsletter again. In the course of your consent to further contacting us, we will also include you in our CRM system. The legal basis is Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR.  

    By clicking on the checkbox (I agree that EDAG Engineering GmbH may contact me by e-mail within the framework of PU23), you consent to the EDAG Group using your data for sales-related communication and to contact you for possible cooperation. You will also receive a confirmation to the e-mail address provided that you have consented to being contacted by EDAG. The legal basis is Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR.

    3. Purpose of data processing

    The data will be processed for the purpose of sending the newsletter by the EDAG sales team. After successful consent in the context of VI 2., the newsletter can be sent by the EDAG internal sales team using the HubSpot service for the creation of mailing lists for the purposes of: Information about trends and developments in the EDAG project PU23.

    If you have consented to the processing of your data for the purpose of contacting us outside the newsletter by e-mail, your data for the purpose of contacting us will be processed by the sales department, included in our CRM system and, if necessary, asked for a possible cooperation.

    4. Duration of storage

    Subject to the revocation of your consent, we will store your personal data for as long as this is necessary for the stated purposes. 

    5. Forwarding of personal data

    Your contact details will be forwarded to the PU23 project team as part of your consent to the newsletter or for further contact. The EDAG Group uses the services of HubSpot to send the newsletter. Hubspot processes the personal data you provide in the USA. By consenting to the sending of the newsletter, you also consent to your data being processed in the USA in accordance with the applicable data protection law. We would like to point out that the USA has been assessed by the European Court of Justice as a country with an adequate level of data protection according to EU standards. In this respect, there are suitable data protection guarantees in the form of the Data Privacy Framework, which HubSpot has signed up to. We only use the data collected via the HubSpot service for the purposes stated above and do not pass this data on to third parties. We have also concluded an order processing agreement with HubSpot Inc. for this purpose. Further information on data processing by Hubspot and Hubspot's data protection conditions can be found at https://legal.hubspot.com/legal-stuff, https://legal.hubspot.com/privacy-policy and https://legal.hubspot.com/website-terms-of-use


    Die EDAG Engineering GmbH (nachfolgend „EDAG“ genannt) veranstaltet gelegentlich Events und Aktionen. Dieses Event wird in Kooperationen mit unserem Partner Bosch Engineering GmbH veranstaltet. Über die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten im Zusammenhang mit diesen Events und Aktionen möchten wir Ihnen nachfolgend gemäß Art. 13 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (nachfolgend „DSGVO“) informieren. 

    1. Verantwortliche Stellen  

    EDAG Engineering GmbH 
    Kreuzberger Ring 40 
    65205 Wiesbaden 

    Tel.: +49 611 7375-0 
    Fax: +49 611 7375-265 
    E-Mail: info@edag.com 


    Bosch Engineering GmbH 


    Robert-Bosch-Allee 1 
    74232 Abstatt 

    Tel.: +49 7062 911-02 

    E-Mail: engineering@bosch.com  


    2. Kontaktdaten der Datenschutzbeauftragten

    EDAG Engineering GmbH 


    Bosch Engineering GmbH 






    3. Beschreibung und Umfang der Datenverarbeitung 

    Über die auf dieser Website befindlichen Anmeldemaske können Sie sich für das Event und den gemeinsamen Interessensaustausch anmelden. Dabei werden die folgenden Daten von Ihnen erfasst und verarbeitet: 

    • Anrede
    • Name, Vorname
    • Unternehmen
    • Jobbezeichnung
    • E-Mail-Adresse
    • Telefonnummer
    • Land

    4. Rechtsgrundlage für die Datenverarbeitung

    Mit Klick auf die Checkbox willigen Sie ein, dass die personenbezogenen Daten für die Teilnahme am Webinar und den Interessensaustausch durch EDAG sowie Bosch Engineering verwendet werden dürfen. Im Zuge dessen stimmen Sie zu, dass wir Ihnen über Ihre E-Mail-Adresse Informationen zur Teilnahme am Webinar zusenden dürfen (Webinar-Link und Updates).  Wir verarbeiten in diesem Rahmen ebenfalls Ihre Klickraten und erstellen ggf. User Profile. Näheres dazu finden Sie unter Punkt XI. Einsatz von HubSpot.  

    Es bietet sich Ihnen außerdem die Möglichkeit sich zu unserem Tech-Insights Newsletter der EDAG über HubSpot (siehe Punkt XI. Einsatz von HubSpot) zum Thema Vehicle Engineering anzumelden.  

    Rechtsgrundlage ist Art. 6 (1) lit. a DSGVO.  

    Ihre Einwilligungen zum Newsletter sowie im Rahmen Ihrer Anmeldung zum Event erfolgen freiwillig. Wenn Sie Ihre Einwilligung nicht erteilen, entstehen Ihnen hierdurch keinerlei Nachteile. 

    5. Zweck der Datenverarbeitung

    Die Daten werden für die Abwicklung des Webinars sowie zum Interessensaustausch verarbeitet. Nach erfolgreicher Einwilligung im Rahmen von VI 2., werden Ihre Daten für Ihre Teilnahme am Event und zum Interessensaustausch sowie ggf. für die Versendung des Newsletters über HubSpot herangezogen. 

    6. Dauer der Speicherung

    Vorbehaltlich des Widerrufs Ihrer Einwilligung – speichern wir die die Aufnahmen, solange dies der Verfolgung des vorgenannten Zwecks dient. Hiernach werden Ihre Daten gelöscht.  

    Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit und mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen, ohne dass die Rechtmäßigkeit der Verarbeitung bis zum Zeitpunkt des Widerrufs hiervon berührt wird.  

    Insofern können Sie sich jederzeit nach Ihrer Anmeldung zum Event wieder abmelden bzw. Ihre Anmeldung zurückziehen. Ihre Abmeldung legen wir entsprechend als Widerruf Ihrer Einwilligung zur Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten aus. 

    7. Weitergabe von personenbezogenen Daten

    Innerhalb des Unternehmens werden Ihre Daten an die Stellen weitergegeben, welche diese zur Verfolgung der angegebenen Zwecke benötigen. Zudem erhält der genannten Bosch Engineering GmbH die Daten der Anmeldemaske für die gemeinsame Organisation des Events sowie den Interessensaustausch. Mit Bosch Engineering wurde für diese Zwecke ein Vertrag über die gemeinsame Verantwortlichkeit gem. Art. 26 DSGVO geschlossen.  

    In addition to the data processing described above, the following processing is also carried out on the deeper-insights.edag.com site:

    Status: Mai 2024