Smart Vision - your Intelligent Route to the Smart Factory

"Smart" means neither 100 percent automation nor the use of artificial intelligence (AI) at every turn. On the contrary: A smart factory makes use of the right technologies at decisive points. The problem, however, is identifying and adjusting the appropriate parameters.
Every factory achieves its individual optimum, depending on the product, the processes, the philosophy and the people. Incorrectly designed and implemented, "smart" can cost a great deal of money and return little in the way of relevant results.
To enable the potential of the individual production parameters to be identified and fully exploited, EDAG Production Solutions have developed their own program, which goes under the name of "Smart Vision". With this front-loading approach, energy, time and intelligence are invested in the vision and production concepts during a workshop held at an early stage, to ensure that the end result is an intelligent (= smart) factory.
The starting point is a group that is as heterogeneous but all-inclusive as possible, and includes all the relevant departments, for instance Production, Logistics, Purchasing and IT. Working on the basis of the assessment of transformation drivers and enablers, everyone concerned contributes to a customized concept that takes into account the relevant requirements, so that the set goals can be achieved with little effort.
Find out how the concept works and which transformation drivers and enablers also influence the development of your own production environment in our technical article "Smart Vision - Your Intelligent Route to the Smart Factory". Download it here!