Reliable driver assistance systems - safely through the fog!

Nowadays, everybody is talking about artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous driving, two concepts that are inextricably linked. Even though vehicles do not yet navigate their way through everyday traffic on their own, more and more assistance systems are being installed as standard. We refer to assistance systems as the emergency brake assistant or sign recognition, for example. Such systems work on the basis of camera images provided by sensors around the vehicle. In theory, they deliver high-quality results. In practice, however, things often look different. Especially in difficult weather conditions, however, the driver would urgently need assistance.
The solution to this challenge: our AI-based image editing software modules. This software called Smog and Fog Dehazer (SmoFod)
- removes fog from images using an AI,
- detects dirt on the camera lens and
- reconstructs obscured image areas.
Drivers can therefore rely on the flawless function and support of the installed systems. But how do the systems work and how did EDAG develop the image processing software? If you would like to find out the answers to these and many other questions regard to AI, Deep Learning and Computer Vision, then you should register now and download the free whitepaper by our expert Nathalie Klingler "Optimisation of the SmoFod using a Capsule Neural Network".