The demands placed on modern products are changing rapidly: customers expect intuitive use, outstanding functionalities and sustainable concepts. Smart products are the answer to these challenges. They combine advanced technologies with a clear customer focus and thus create real added value - for companies, users and the environment. Find out in our coffee talk how smart products are created, which technologies drive them and how they pave the way to a sustainable future.

Would you like to find out more about smart products?

We cordially invite you to our coffee talk “Smart Product - Increase efficiency, inspire customers, conserve resources”.

Discover the basics of smart products and find out how innovative technologies and proven best practices can make your product development future-proof.

You can look forward to exciting impulses and discussions with our colleagues from the fields of engineering, IT, product development and consulting. The 45-minute talk will cover these topics, among others:

  • What makes a product really “smart”?
  • Smart technologies: Digital twins, sensor technology and predictive maintenance.
  • Sustainability as a core factor: second-life concepts and resource-saving strategies.
  • Holistic product development: from agile methods to recycling.
  • Practical examples of smart products: From toothbrushes to battery systems.

Our experts combine theory and practice by illustrating their approaches with concrete success stories and practical experience. This will give you a clear insight into the opportunities and challenges of smart products.

The Couchtalk is aimed at:

  • Management and executives who want to find out about smart products and exploit their potential for their company.
  • Professionals from engineering, IT, production and sustainability who want to deepen their knowledge and learn about practical application examples.
  • Anyone interested in taking advantage of the opportunities offered by digital transformation and sustainable product development.

Register now and be part of this trend-setting discussion!

Who are the panelists?

Frank Breitenbach Senior Expert Realization Smart Factory
Jens Weiler Head of Department Consulting & Services
Franz Lorey Vice President Commercial Vehicles
Jörg Hülsmann
Vice President CAE and Vehicle Safety
Peter Weismüller
Senior Sales Manager E/E Technical Sales
Eugen Gulinsky Head of Department E/E Software & Digitalisation Portfolio
Aaron Deutschlaender
Senior Sales Manager Energy Systems & Powertrain


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